Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Perfect Scrambled Eggs

I have nearly a dozen eggs that are fast approaching their sell by date, and since the chive plants on the deck are flourishing, I think I'll make these scrambled eggs -- the best scrambled eggs ever -- for dinner one night.  They come from chef Gordon Ramsay.  (Please note:  If you have to make your own creme fraiche like I do, you will have a surplus of buttermilk that lends itself perfectly to making a side of Fluffy Buttermilk Pancakes.)

6 large free-range eggs
3Tbs ice-cold butter diced
1-2  tbsp crème fraîche
Freshly ground sea salt and pepper (you can use regular salt if you need to)
Few chives, snipped (substitute with green onion if necessary)
2-3 chunky slices of rustic bread, such aspain Polaîne, to serve (Sameer and I like this even better over tiny slices of fresh French bread.)


1. Break the eggs into a cold, heavy-based pan, add half the butter, and place onto the stove over generous heat. Using a spatula, stir the eggs frequently to combine the yolks with the whites.

2. As the mixture begins to set, add the remaining butter. The eggs will take about 4-5 minutes to scramble – they should still be soft and quite lumpy. Don’t let them get too hot – keep moving the pan off and back on the heat. 

3. Meanwhile, toast the bread.  (A toaster oven works best for this, if you have one.)

4. Add the crème fraîche and season the eggs at the last minute, then add the snipped chives. Put the toast on warm plates, pile the softly scrambled eggs on top and serve immediately.

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