Friday, June 12, 2020

CSA Box #2

Our second CSA box of the season has arrived.  Here's what we got:  baby bok choi, three unripe greenhouse tomatoes, popcorn on the cob x3, spring onions, Russian banana fingerling potatoes, radishes, lettuce, strawberries, asparagus, cilantro, shiitake mushrooms, micro red mustard greens, pickling cucumbers, and baby Japanese turnips.

Here is what I'm going to do with them:

Hakurei Turnips with falafel crumbs and creamy sesame (Vedge, pg. 84) 
This will use up the Japanese turnips.  The greens are nice and lush, so I'm going to do what I did with the radish greens (and extra sorrel and arugula) last week and cut them off, wash them, and throw them in a bag in the freezer to go into green shake.  This turnip recipe involves oven roasting, so I'll do it tomorrow when it's supposed to be in the 60s.  Maybe we can finish off the garlic scape hummus I made a few days ago with this.  They might be good over a bed of some of the lettuce too.  We've got a lot of salad greens to use this week.  Since we have cucumbers and tomatoes and cashew yogurt and chickpeas too, I might just make this whole thing into a weird take on a falafel platter.

[Edited 6/18/2020:  I didn't love this.  I ate it all, including leftovers, but the turnips weren't amazing and the falafel crumble was bitter.  I assume I did something at least a little bit wrong since I think this is a the first Vedge recipe I wouldn't want again.]

Heirloom Tomatoes with Grilled Shiitakes and Green Goddess (Vedge, pg. 36)
I didn't end up making this last week, but we actually have shiitakes from the CSA box this week (I ended up just steaming last week's creminis and eating them plain, which it turns out I like a lot) and a decent amount of basil is ready to be picked for the green goddess dressing.  I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow, so I'll see if I can find any nice heirloom tomatoes since the tomatoes I've got aren't ripe yet.  I can serve it all on a bed of the micro red mustard greens.  I love micro green so much.

[Edited 6/18/2020:  I get why the cookbook said this was a take on BLTs.  I think I cooked the shiitakes a little too hot, but it was still a really great BLT sort of flavor.  I replaced most of the vegan mayo in the green goddess dressing with fresh avocado (I consume way too much Vegannaise), and I didn't oil, salt, or pepper the heirloom tomato, and I stand by both those decisions.  I would definitely make this again.]

Radishes with Nori, Tamari, and Avocado (Vedge, pg. 34) 
Our radishes this week are the round ones I'm used to seeing in salads, not the French breakfast radishes like the recipe calls for or like we got last week, but this recipe was so delicious last week and Vedge doesn't have any "normal radish" recipes, so I'm just going to use them to make this recipe again and hope for the best.  They will have more bite to them than last week's, but hopefully they'll still taste good.  The radish greens, like last week's, will go into the freezer for green shake.  This recipe will also use up some of the spring onions and the last avocado in my fridge.  This involves no cooking, just cutting and mixing and marinating, so I might make this tonight while it's hot out.

[Edited 6/18/2020:  This wasn't as good with normal round radishes as it is with French breakfast radishes, but we still ate them all.  It's just that it's exceptional with the French breakfast radishes and even Simran devoured them.]

Grilled Baby Bok Choi with Tamari and Chinese Mustard Sauce (Vedge, pg. 83)
I want to make this tonight because the bok choi looks perfect and I can grill it on my grill pan.  The only ingredient I don't have is Chinese mustard, so I'm just going to use this recipe to make my own because I do have all the ingredients for that.  Since I'll have the grill pan out anyway, I'll also make this tofu to add protein to the meal.  Considering steaming some brown rice or cooking some buckwheat soba noodles to go with it all.  I feel like soba noodles should be in a some kind of dashi or something though, and that's a lot of stuff to make for one night.

[Edited 6/18/2020:  This was good, though I feel sure I did something wrong because grilling the baby bok choi sufficiently in the white bulby part wilted the leafy part.  It'd make it again, mostly because I don't know what else to do with baby bok choi and I did eat all the leftovers.]

Easy Refrigerator Pickles
To use up the fat little cucumbers.  Rather than buy fresh dill tomorrow, I'm just going to use dried dill and make these today.  I have no idea if this will ruin anything, but it's a chance I'm willing to take. 

[Edited 6/18/2020:  These are great and so easy to make.]

We'll eat the strawberries after lunch and dinner today.  I'm steaming the asparagus to keep chilled in the fridge for snacking.  The fingerling potatoes might again become fingerling potatoes with creamy worcestershire sauce (Vedge, pg. 80), which I've made a few times but never quite perfected.  I like them though.  The various greens will end up in salads or sandwiches.  The popcorn on the cob will be a movie night snack, so Simran is excited for that.  Apparently you just put it in a paper bag and microwave it.

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