Monday, June 19, 2023

Meal Planning

Things I have to use up: spinach, lettuce, baby carrots, 4 eggs, 5 burger buns, and 1 burger. It is hot this week, so I don't want to use the oven too much. It heats up the house. Here is what I'm making:

Sandwiches and Veggie Sides
To use up the leftover burger buns and burger.

Tikka Masala Pasta Salad

Thai Green Curry Noodle Stir Fry

Veggie Summer Rolls

Pistachio Fruit Fluff Salad

I've been wanting this dessert that I haven't made in years.

Date Rolos

I've been eating too much sugar and having these in my fridge is a good way to reduce that.

As of Friday I have to avoid fresh veg and other fibrous foods to prep for my colonoscopy, so we'll probably have sandwiches and frozen pizza over the weekend.

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