Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Meal Planning

Time for more meal planning. I've got a cup or two of cauliflower leftover from last week's meal plan, and the latest Rancho Gordo Bean box arrived last night. Here is what I'm making, at least for the next couple of days. 

Vegan Mushroom Bourguignon and Onion Bread

The onion bread is a bread machine recipe from a book I got at the library's used cookbook sale earlier this month. I'll have to get it from the book. The bourguignon will use up the cauliflower and really only required me to buy mushrooms and potatoes.

Beans and Rice with Roasted Sweet Potatoes and Green Sauce (from The Rancho Gordo Vegetarian Kitchen, Volume 1)

This recipe came with my latest Rancho Gordo Bean box, which included both Rio Zape beans and brown rice. I've also got New Mexican chile powder because it came in a previous box and was so good I bought more, and I've got a bag of sweet potatoes and some plain nonfat yogurt to use up, so this recipe only requires buying a little produce.

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