Monday, March 18, 2024

Meal Planning

 Time for meal planning. Here is what I'm making:

Catalan Sauteed Polenta with Spinach & Butter Beans

Green Enchilada Lasagna (I Can Cook Vegan, pg. 192)

[Edited 3/19/2024: I thought this was great. I ate it covered in pico de gallo (unpictured). I added black olives on top because Sim loves them and about a cup or two of spinach to the filling for the sake of using up some spinach and getting leafy greens in there, and I stand by both of those decisions. I can't imagine it changed the flavor much. I also made it oil free by cooking the tortillas and filling in a nonstick pan, which tends to improve the texture when sautéing things like squash.]

Seven-Layer Tortilla Pie

Soup & Sandwiches

Instant Pot Mexican Quinoa and Black Beans

I don't make this nearly as often as I list it on the meal plan, just because I want the reminder that I can make it quickly and without much effort. I do plan to make this dinner on Wednesday because we have lots of commitments that day and I won't have time to make much else.

I'd also like to make a salad to go with one or more dinners and try out this lemon vinaigrette recipe. 

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