Monday, May 6, 2024

Meal Planning

We're expecting three warm days this week (by which I mean over 75 degrees, warm enough we'll need to open the windows if not turn on the A/C) followed by three cool days (by which I mean no chance we'll need to use the A/C -- highs in the 60s or lower), so I'm planning three meals that use the whole oven on the cool days and three meals that don't for the warmer days. Next Monday I have another gum graft surgery, so I want to use up any crunchy foods before then because I'll be on a liquid/soft diet for a couple of weeks, and Sameer and Simran historically have eaten mostly prepared foods during that time. Here is what I have to use up: a couple kinds of lettuce, arugula, an heirloom tomato, some hot dog buns, a bag of shaved brussels sprouts, and some homemade ranch dressing. Here is what I'm making: 

Vegan Air-Fried Soy Curls with Homemade Ranch Dip and Baked Beans and Arugula Salad and Corn on the Cob

Veg Kielbasa with Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes and Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Whole Grain Mustard Sauce

DIY Sandwiches and Leftover Sides

Green Enchilada Lasagna (I Can Cook Vegan, pg. 192)

Tofu Pot Pie

Because I have tofu in the freezer, as well as frozen veg. I don't make this much after it gets hot outside since it involves a lot of oven baking, which heats up the house, and we all like this meal.

Plant-Based Meatballs (Delish Loves Disney, pg. 13)

I can eat these in the second week after my gum graft surgery, so I'll make them this Thursday or Friday when it's cool out and put them in a bag in the freezer for later.

French Onion Skillet Lasagna

To finish off the mushrooms from the meatless balls and the spinach from the green enchilada lasagna.

Loaded Nachos

Sunday night since it yields no leftovers and I'll be eating pretty lean for the next week (mostly blended soups, pureed sweet potato, homemade refried beans, and yogurt) so I might as well have a junk food dinner beforehand.

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