Sunday, January 27, 2013

The Esselstyn Breakfast (a.k.a "Oatmeal and Fruit")

I don't normally "cook" breakfast, particularly since a lot of the healthiest options tend to be cereal, but this recipe sounded a lot like what Simran eats for breakfast everyday (hot baby oatmeal flavored with a couple spoonfuls fruit puree -- the fruit of choice changes based on what we've got, but she loves them all).  It also sounded like something Sameer and I would like, so I'm going to make it for all of us, puree a portion with an immersion blender for Simran, and see how to make this work for a daily breakfast.

Old-fashioned rolled oats
Unsweetened almond milk or low-fat soy milk
Fruit of your choice (I'm not sure how well they'll puree for Simran, but I think raisins and prunes would be good, as would bananas mixed with whatever organic frozen fruits I've got in the freezer -- I'll move them to a bowl in the fridge the night before.)
Walnuts (optional)


1. Start with old-fashioned rolled oats (not quick-cooking oats), uncooked, either plain or topped with GrapeNuts for crunch or with another cereal like Grainfield's Raisin Bran or shredded wheat (no sugar added).  (The GrapeNuts sound appealing, but I'm going to omit them initially since I'm not sure how well Simran could eat them without teeth, even if they're ground up.) 

2. Instead of milk, use oat, almond, or nonfat soy milk.  Apple juice, cider, and orange or grapefruit juice (include the sections) are also delicious.  (I'll be using unsweetened almond or low-fat soy milk.  I still wonder where he has found nonfat soy milk.  I've never seen it in my life, and I go to a lot of stores.)

3. Top it all with raisins, sliced bananas, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, or peaches.  (This first time I'll use bananas and either raspberries or peaches, depending on which I currently have in the freezer.)

4. If you don't have heart disease, add some walnuts.  (Keep in mind this recipe comes from a book about reversing heart disease, so a lot of the ingredients are based on keeping intake at nearly zero fat.)

5. Heat in a pot on stove top according to rolled oats package directions.

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