Friday, March 1, 2013

Baby's Easy Fruit Sauce

Simran is accustomed to eating a lot of fruit-based baby foods.  She loves anything sweet, so I mix some into her morning oatmeal and she eats jars of the stuff straight at lunch and dinner.  Now that she likes chunky foods and doesn't need everything she eats to be strained through a sieve, I've taken to making most of her fruits myself.  I'm not sure how much cheaper it is, but at least I don't have to move all those tiny jars from the shelf to my shopping cart to the checkout belt anymore.  I hated doing that.  Amounts below are approximations.  I always make a huge amount of fruit sauce at once -- like a 10 oz. bag of frozen fruit worth -- and freeze it again in tiny containers until I need it.  You can save freezer space by not adding the applesauce until you're serving everything.

1 ripe banana OR 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce (I prefer organic)
1 cup frozen fruit of your choice (I just buy every organic frozen fruit I can find)


1. Thaw the frozen fruit.  You can run the bag under warm water, or just leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

2. Put thawed frozen fruit -- and banana, if you are using one -- in a blender and puree until smooth.

3. If you are using applesauce instead of a banana, add the applesauce now.

4. Taste for sweetness.  If it's too tart, add more applesauce or pureed banana until it tastes good.

Here are some blends I recommend (I stole most of these ideas from Earth's Best brand baby food):
raspberry + peach + banana
mango + applesauce
blueberry + applesauce
blackberry + applesauce
strawberry + banana

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