Sunday, November 24, 2019

Meal Planning

It's Fall Break from school, so this is meal planning through Thanksgiving.  Friday will inevitably be Thanksgiving leftovers, and I'll figure out next weekend after that.  I want to keep it reasonably quick and easy since Sim is at home and I don't want a stockpile of leftovers when we're coming up to Thanksgiving.  Here is what I have to use up:  about three cups of homemade vegetable broth, an avocado, some green lettuce, about a quarter of a red bell pepper sliced, about a cup of diced onion.  Here is what I'll make:

Curried Pumpkin Soup and Vegetarian Club Sandwiches
This will use up the broth on the soup, and the sandwiches will use up some of the lettuce as well as some of the vegetarian turkey slices in the fridge. This can be Sunday night so I use the broth before it goes bad.

Avocado Grilled Enchilada with Red Chile Pesto
I'll make this Monday night.  It'll use up the avocado and red bell pepper as well as the large flour tortillas in the fridge.

Curried Tofu Pot Pie
Because I have some cubed tofu in the freezer, as well as frozen vegetables I'd like to pare down.  Thinking I'll make this Wednesday.  I can finish off the leftovers within a day or two.  Not sure if it's a bad idea to make so close to Thanksgiving, but I want to make the grilled enchiladas before the ingredients already in the fridge can go bad.

Thanksgiving 2019
Thursday, obviously.

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