Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Meal Planning

It's Tuesday.  I made the veggie tacos last night and finished off the broccoli sprouts, lettuce, tomato, and most of the mushroom in a salad for lunch.  We still have a fair amount of bread (mostly the pumpernickel), so I think I might pick up some more tomatoes, lettuce, and vegetarian turkey slices and Simran and I can have club sandwiches for dinner (we already have Vegannaise and a couple varieties of veggie bacon) alongside the last of the asparagus I just steamed yesterday.  Here is the rest of the meal plan for the week:

Idli-Sambar with Coconut Chutney 
I just started soaking the rice and dal (and methi) for the idli.  I will blend it into a batter after dinner tonight and pop it in a barely warm oven overnight.  I'm using the correct amounts of ingredients this time, so the batter might be too thick to blend easily, or it might just ferment in less time.  We'll see.  I'm making the coconut chutney even though we have store-bought just because I have fresh ginger and still so much dried coconut flake (and it's better than the store-bought).  For the sambar, I already have half a jalapeno, the better part of a diced green bell pepper, and a diced onion and a half in the freezer ready to be dumped into a soup pot.  This will also use up the last of the bag of organic russet potatoes.  I used up my tamarind paste the last time I made sambar, so I need to stop by Patel Bros. and buy more tomorrow.

Homemade Black Bean Burgers
I'll buy pretzel buns and heat a couple of the black bean burgers from the freezer for Sim and me on Thursday.  It's easy and healthy.  We can have leftover sambar or some other vegetable as a side.

Tofu Pot Pie
Friday night dinner.  It'll use up the cubed tofu and peas in the freezer and some of the celery and carrots in the fridge.

Sim and I are also going to make Cranberry-White Chocolate Scones after school on Friday to eat and so I can take them to book club on Saturday morning (rather than being tempted to eat them all myself at home). 

Vegetarian Spaghetti & Meatballs
Saturday night because it's easy and we have a bunch of the meatless balls from Trader Joe's in the freezer, and I always keep whole wheat spaghetti noodles and a jar of marinara sauce on hand.  I'll make broccoli soup or green salad to go with it.

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