Sunday, September 29, 2019

Herbed Whole Wheat Pizza Dough

This is a best-of-both-worlds pizza dough recipe.  It's basically Neal Barnard's whole wheat pizza dough recipe with herbs in it for flavor, kneaded and cooked thin like NY style pizza.

2 tsp agave nectar
2 1/4 tsp yeast
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup bread flour
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp salt
vegetable oil cooking spray
1/4 cup yellow cornmeal


1.  In a measuring cup, dissolve the agave nectar and yeast in 3/4 cup warm water (100 - 110 degrees F).  Let stand for 5 minutes.  Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine flours, dried herbs, and salt.  Add wet ingredients to dry and stir until a soft dough forms.  Turn out dough onto a lightly floured surface.  Knead until smooth and elastic.  Dough should be slightly sticky.  If it's too dry, add tiny amounts of water; if it's too sticky, add tiny amounts of flour.  Pinch off a small piece of dough and work it into a thin sheet through which you can see light.  You'll know it's ready when you can do this without tearing a hole in it.

2.  Place dough in a large bowl coated with cooking spray, turning to coat the top.  Cover plastic wrap and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size, about 40 minutes (or do it for a couple hours like me).  If making in advance, put the dough in a ziploc bag and refrigerate until a couple hours before you plan to use it.  If making farther in advance, freeze until the day before you plan to use it.

3. Place pizza stone in middle of the oven.  Preheat oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit an hour in advance so pizza stone can heat through.

4.  Punch down the dough and roll into a 10- or 11-inch circle (or divide the dough by however many people you're feeding and do small personal pizzas) on a lightly floured surface.  Sprinkle pizza peel thoroughly with corn meal to prevent sticking, place pizza dough on top of corn meal, and arrange sauce and toppings.  Sprinkle pizza stone thoroughly with corn meal, slide pizza from pizza peel onto pizza stone in the oven, and cook pizza for about 13 minutes.  

5. Allow pizza to cool for 5 minutes before serving.

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