Sunday, September 22, 2019

Recipes I Want to Make This Fall

I want to clean out my freezer and pantry before the holidays.  I have various flours and lentils and nuts in my pantry that I don't want to go to waste, so here are some plans to use them.

Moong Dal Tadka
Because there is an unopened bag of moong dal in my pantry and I have no idea why we even have it.  I probably bought it in error when looking for something else.

I've finally discovered a good use of plain red lentils and that is sambar.  They basically explode into nothingness when boiled, which I normally hate, but that quality works really well in sambar and just thickens it into a sort of stew.  I make a very easy, lazy sambar compared with the actual recipe in the link or any other recipe (I need to figure out what my precise recipe is and type it up), but it's full of lentils and vegetables and spice and I love it.

Curried Split Pea Soup
This is a tasty recipe and literally the only reason I own split peas, so I want to just use them up and never buy them again.  They aren't the same kind of split peas I use when making Indian food.

Tofu Pot Pie
I love this recipe.  It is an easy way to use up lots of the frozen veggies in my freezer. 

Vegan Shepherd's Pie
This is a good way to use up some more freezer vegetables and some of the French green lentils in my pantry.

I also have Soy Flour and Spelt Flour to use.  I don't see any great soy flour recipes off hand, so I might just try replacing a small amount of vital wheat gluten with it when making seitans and see what happens.  The spelt I think I can sneak small amounts into quick breads or pancakes to use up.
I also have some TVP I never tried using.

TVP Sloppy Joes
This looks fine.  And maybe I could use it all up at once.

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