Sunday, September 22, 2019

Meal Planning

Potato Cheese & Onion Pasties and Pumpkin Curry Soup and Baby Greens with Champagne Vinaigrette
I'm going to try my hand at making rough puff pastry dough for the pasties.  Tomorrow is the first day of autumn, and it's supposed to be reasonably cool, so I'm making this autumnal meal that seems like something people would eat in a Harry Potter book.

Idli & Sambar with Lazy Coconut Chutney
I'm going to plan on having some extra potatoes to make into sambar.  I have no idli rice, but I've seen Sameer make idli without it, so I'm going to use this recipe that just uses some cooked rice instead that may or may not be the same recipe he has used before.  I need to get the hang of basic idli before I can successfully make brown rice idli since it turned out really badly the last time I tried.  Between the fermenting and the pressure cooking, it features too many facets I haven't mastered yet.

Fresh Veggie Tacos and Red Cabbage Slaw 
This will be Friday dinner.  I'll go to Whole Foods that day to pick up things like fresh guacamole and fresh mushrooms.

I'm going to have some eggs leftover from the pasties and there are already pancakes in the freezer from last week.  Maybe I'll make the eggs into omelets or a breakfast mess with veggie sausages and cheese and the leftover green bell pepper and onion in the fridge and hashbrown potatoes in the freezer.  This would work for Tuesday or Thursday when Sameer is fasting.

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