Monday, July 1, 2024

Meal Planning

We've basically finished last week's meal plan, but we've got lots of random leftovers, so I think it's going to be leftover night for dinner. Last week's meal plan did use up a lot of random ingredients though. Here is what I'm planning to cook this week:

Red Curry Tempeh Summer Rolls with Manchurian Sauce

July 3rd/4th: Hot dogs, deviled eggs, Easy Bean SaladPatatas con AlioliShaved Brussels Sprouts with Whole Grain Mustard Sauce 

This is too many dishes for three people in one day, but maybe we'll do some on the 3rd (when our town is having their Independence Day Extravaganza and fireworks) and their leftovers plus the rest on the 4th (actual holiday), maybe with homemade black bean burgers or Beyond burgers on the non-hot dog day.

Tofu Salad Sandwiches

I haven't found baked tofu in the "savory" flavor I normally use, but I did find a truffle and sea salt variety, so I'm going to try it here and see how it turns out.

Zucchini Noodles with Haloumi and Pesto

I bought haloumi on a whim after we were served it so often in London, so I need to actually make it into something. Plus, I haven't used my vegetable spiralizer in a while.

Vegan Pasta Salad

I might not make this dish this week, but I'm putting it here so it stays on my radar.