Sunday, December 22, 2013

Meal Planning

This upcoming week is Christmas.  Sameer's cousin and his fiance are coming to stay for a few days starting Saturday, and I like to keep meal plans loose and changeable when we have company, so I'm planning some quick, easy, tasty meals that can also be put off until another day if we get takeout or go somewhere.  Here is what I'm making:

Seitan & Veggie Stir-fry

Black Bean Burgers and Baked Sweet Potato Fries
We used the last of the black bean burgers in the freezer today, but I can easily make another batch this week and pop them in the freezer.

NY-Style Veggie Pizza and Green Bean Casserole and Cranberry Waldorf and Caramel Cake
This will be Christmas dinner.  I tend to go fairly traditional for holidays, but since there's no particular reason, this year I'm just making whatever I want, and this is what I want.  We're all out of pizza dough, so I need to make a fresh batch for this.  I've never made this cake before, but I love caramel cake from boxed mix and wanted to try making the real deal.

Veggie Summer Rolls with Peanut Lime Sauce
I don't care if it's the wrong time of year.  I haven't had these things in months, and I love them.

Penne alla Vodka

Cinnamon Rolls
This isn't for dinner, but it's definitely something I want to make, probably right before our house guests arrive.  I haven't made them since shortly before Simran was born.  I always make double frosting.  It's so much that there is a solid layer on top of the cinnamon rolls, plus a container of extra in the fridge.

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