Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Meal Planning

Time for weekly meal planning.  I currently have on hand:  2 ripe avocados, 1 yellow bell pepper, 1 zucchini, 8 oz of white mushrooms, about 4 oz of finely shredded gruyere, quite a few corn tortillas, some russet potatoes, and quite a bit of homemade vegan cheese sauce.  Here is what I'm making:

Truffled Seitan and Loaded Baked Potatoes and Broccoli with Vegan Cheese Sauce
The batch of truffled seitan I made a couple weeks ago made three meals worth of food, so I froze nearly two thirds of it in small casserole dishes.  I didn't love the duxelles, so this time I'm just searing the thinly sliced seitan and serving it with sauce thickened from the marinade in which it's currently frozen.

I'll be on a clear liquid diet on Tuesday, so I'm making nachos Monday night because I want to eat something so disgustingly gluttonous that I can pretend I actually want to spend Tuesday doing a detox.  Also, nachos don't keep, so there won't be delicious leftovers taunting me the next day like there are for most meals and all takeout.  I think we'll end the night with s'mores just to make sure I'm on the verge of making myself ill.  I have a Godiva milk chocolate bar leftover from the 4th of July, as well as the better part of a box of graham crackers and at least half a bag of giant marshmallows.

Thai Red Curry with Tofu & Mushrooms and Brown Rice

Vegan Baked Spaghetti and Tuscan Kale Salad
This should use up the rest of the vegan cheese sauce.  It will also utilize my flourishing basil plant.  I also like that it will use up most of what remains of the open bottle of red wine taking up space in my fridge.

Tandoori Tofu and Veggie Kabobs and Brown Basmati Rice Pilaf

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