Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Meal Planning

I made the Creole red beans & rice last night, and I'll be eating some of the leftovers for lunch today. Here's what I've got left to use up: a green bell pepper, some celery, a collection of open cheeses that probably have to go soon, a pound of baby spinach, a container and a half of unsweetened cashew yogurt with a best buy date of next week, and two bulbs of roasted garlic (they'll keep in the fridge for quite awhile though).  Here is what I'm making:

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup 

I'm going to use up some of my cheese collection (I've got sharp white cheddar, mozzarella, and an open package of cream cheese that need to go) and my current loaf of marble rye on this. Maybe some of the roasted garlic in the soup. I'm making this tonight as it's just Sim and me.

Vegan Garlicky Korean Mac and Cheese

I still have everything to make this one whenever I want. Might get put off for awhile since I have so many other things I want to make this week.

Black Bean Quesaritos

At Sim's request. We'll do this junk food dinner over the weekend. Probably Saturday since I can prep all the components in advance and avoid doing any real cooking that day.

Pizza and Green Salad

Another request from Sim. I already have two more pizza doughs stashed in the freezer from the last time I made pizza, so I figured why not. Probably Friday night. I can use up part of the green bell pepper on this.


Tofu Pot Pie

It's going to be cold for a few days, and I've got a container of cubed tofu in the freezer in addition to plenty of veggies to put in this (such as the celery that needs to go). This one isn't urgent since I can stash all of the components in the freezer, but I do want to make it before it gets too warm outside.

Spiced Spinach Tofu Stir-Fry and Brown Basmati Rice

This will use up the spinach and part of the yogurt. I can also include in the greens any cilantro in the fridge that still looks good since there is no such thing as too much cilantro. Might do this one Wednesday since the clock is running out on the spinach and yogurt. I've been making mango sorbet weekly for awhile, so I'll probably make that too. Or mango smoothies with the yogurt.  I'll serve garlic naan too if I have some in the freezer. Otherwise, we'll do without.

Vegetarian Chili and Cornbread

The chilli will use up the remaining green bell pepper (I plan to halve the recipe to avoid too many leftovers), and the cornbread will use up some more of the cashew yogurt. I might do this one as late as next Monday. It's not supposed to be too cold by then, but it is supposed to be rainy.

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