Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Meal Planning

I'm posting my menu late this week.  I had everything written on my grocery list, as per usual, and now I can't find it, so I think I threw it away.  I'm trying to remember everything now so that I can pull up my meal plans for the rest of the week.  Here is what I made / am making:

Tofu Scramble and Swiss Chard with Walnut Sauce and Buttermilk Pancakes
I'm making tofu scramble once a week now.  It's easy, Simran likes it, and it makes leftovers for the next day's lunch.  I also had leftover buttermilk from Sameer baking an orange pound cake, so I made a triple batch of pancakes. 

Tortilla Pie and Red Cabbage Slaw
This will use up some of the corn tortillas in my fridge, as well as some of the shredded cabbage leftover from last week.

Creamy Avocado & White Bean Wraps and Vegan Cream of Broccoli Soup
I'm not sure if I'll end up actually making this or not.  It'll probably be this dish or the tortilla pie rather than both in the same week.  It depends on how plentiful the leftover shredded cabbage really is.  It's one of our favorites here at our house though, for all three of us.

NY Style Pizza and Kale with Walnut Sauce
Sameer wanted New York-style pizza, so I'm trying it again this week, probably on Friday.  I'm doing it entirely according to the recipe this time rather than allowing any of my own shortcuts since the crust was way too thick last time. 

Spaghetti with Marinara and Kale with Walnut Sauce
I'll probably do this one over the weekend because it's fast and easy.

Whipped Maple Sweet Potatoes and Chard with Walnut Sauce and vegetarian fish from the prepared frozen foods section
Sameer suggested whipped sweet potatoes, so I'm taking this opportunity to use up some more of the vegetarian fake meats in my freezer.  There won't be much left after this.  Finally.

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