Thursday, August 13, 2015

Meal Planning

Time for weekly meal planning.  I want to clean out my freezer and fridge, so I've got a lot of random foods that last a long time and have been hiding behind other things.  Things I want to get rid of:  a couple cups of finely shredded gruyere, about half a bottle of pomegranate juice and half a bottle of spiced pear cider (I can make breakfast smoothies with the pomegranate, but I might have to just drink the spiced pear), a cup or two of frozen shredded potatoes, two frozen homemade vegetarian Italian sausages, over a pound of frozen sweet corn, a bag of frozen peaches from god-knows-when (will work for smoothies), the better part of a bag of frozen cranberries, two cups of frozen cauliflower, a couple cups of frozen butternut squash, a couple cups of frozen sweet potato, and a whole collection of containers of diced previously-canned tomatoes that have taken up residence in my freezer.  I also have some carry over from last week, so I'm not planning for seven whole dinners since we'll probably get takeout at least once.  Here is what I'm making:

Amish Breakfast Casserole
I haven't made this in ages.  I used to make it on holiday mornings so we'd have something easy and relatively wholesome to eat before our big dinner, but I haven't done that since we stopped having holiday guests -- it's just too much food.  Anyway, it seems like a good way to use up the Italian sausage and gruyere and shredded potatoes.  I'll make a scaled down version on account of having maybe half that many hash browns and needing significantly less food in general.

Awesome Almost All-Orange Vegetable Soup and Vegetarian Turkey Club
I don't recall this soup being awesome, but I'm going to play around with the ingredients and try it again since I already have most of them on hand.  I'm using my frozen butternut squash in place of the acorn squash, and I'm going to puree the whole thing.  I might replace the red bell pepper with some roasted red pepper from a jar for flavor reasons.  Not sure yet.  I think I'll use curry spice instead of the rosemary and whatnot in the recipe too, which will effectively make this a completely different soup.  I might just end up making this a squash-based version of curried pumpkin soup.

Vegetarian Korma and Brown Basmati Rice
This will use up the cauliflower, as well as one container of curry base, which I also have taking up space in my freezer.

Saag Tofu and Brown Basmati Rice

Black Bean Burgers and Curried Sweet Potato Salad  

Seitan & Veggie Stir-fry and Brown Rice 

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