Monday, June 3, 2024

Meal Planning

Three days this week are supposed to be over 80 degrees, so I want some dinners that don't require the stove/oven. I didn't make everything on last week's meal plan, so some of that might repeat here. Here is what I have to use up: one egg, open jar of marinara, open jar of pizza sauce, about a cup of fresh white mushrooms, about a cup of nonfat Greek yogurt, about 1/2 cup of sour cream, lettuce, and a few avocados. Here is what I'm making:

Black Bean Quesaritos

I can use up the remaining sour cream on this, as well as the container of chipotle salsa and open jar of nacho cheese in the fridge. I think I just need big flour tortillas to have all the ingredients.

Because it's easy and I love it and it doesn't involve heating up the house at all. I could use up the last of the mushrooms and most of the avocados on this meal. And some of the lettuce.

Pasta and Greek Salad

I will use up the sauces in the fridge, plus the small amount of heavy cream in there and maybe an open cream cheese to make a sort of vodka sauce. Then throw in whatever veg I want to use up from the fridge and freezer and maybe some soy curls from the pantry (or make and steam veg pepperoni in the Instant Pot to slice up and throw in if I'm feeling ambitious), along with whatever dried pasta I want to use up. Sim loved the Greek salad last week, and I have another container of fat free feta, so I'll make it again this week. I just need cucumbers and tomatoes to make this meal.

Later in the week when it's cooler out since it involves baking in the oven. I might try making the falafel in the new toaster oven on its air fryer mode. It's smaller, but it would be quicker and might turn out really well. I'll have to figure out cooking times, etc. The sauce would probably use up the last of the yogurt in the fridge too.

California Wrap

Because it calls for the same sauce as the falafel. I didn't end up making this OR the falafel last week. I'll hold off on buying ingredients for these wraps until I've made the falafel.

Green Enchilada Lasagna

When it gets cooler out maybe.

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