Sunday, November 26, 2023

Back from Thanksgiving Trip Meal Planning

Simran has been sick since the day before Thanksgiving, and we just got home yesterday afternoon. She's started wanting occasional food again and her fever is getting back to normal, but I'm not forcing her to eat anything she doesn't want to eat when she's sick, so I'm not inclined to make as much food. The only thing she really wants right now is pumpkin pie, which I don't have, nor do I have the ingredients to make one, and it's been snowing steadily since before we got up this morning. Here is what I've got to use up (some from the freezer, some from a grocery store run after we got home yesterday): three entire containers of homemade soup taking up space in the freezer, lettuce, tomatoes, so many bags of dry beans from my latest Rancho Gordo Bean Club box, and a few sweet potatoes. Here is what I'm making for the next few days:

DIY Sandwiches and Vegetable Barley Soup

DIY Burritos

This will use up some beans, lettuce, and tomato.

Vegan Lentil Quinoa Loaf and Sweet Potatoes and Vegan Cream of Broccoli Soup

The loaf will use up some more lentils and the carrots and celery in the fridge. Just realized I have two entire containers of vegan cream of broccoli soup in the freezer from the last time I made it, so I don't think I'll be making more yet this week. I need to clear out the freezer enough that it can hold both my ice cream maker core (gigantic) and the box of ready-to-bake chocolate croissants (even larger) that I ordered Sameer from Williams-Sonoma. 

Tofu Pot Pie

Mostly because it uses up the tofu and some of the veg I've got taking up space in the freezer. I don't really want to eat this though.


So far Sim has only expressed an interest in this including pumpkin pie and mashed potatoes. This will be a special Friday night meal. I'll tack on a frozen pre-made fake meat and some kind of green vegetable, probably Seared French Beans with Caper Bagna Cauda or Shaved Brussels Sprouts with Whole Grain Mustard Sauce. And maybe a serving of Christmas Lima Beans from my Rancho Gordo Bean box. Maybe even in place of the fake meat.

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