Monday, July 20, 2020

Summer Cookout-Style Dinner

These are foods I think of as summertime cookout flavors, even though I'm making everything inside my kitchen and there are no burgers, hotdogs, or BBQ.  I'm really just posting this because I'm making so many side dishes tonight that I need easy access to links to all the recipes in one place or I will inevitably close a window and lose my place while making dinner.  The goal for tonight is to prepare as many of my farm box vegetables as possible.  I'm banking on having plenty of leftovers to eat tomorrow when Sameer is fasting.

Vegan Fried Chicken
It's really air-fried soy curls, but it's quick and easy and it tastes good, especially with ranch dip, which I'm going to make out of the cashew yogurt in my fridge that needs to be eaten this week.

Spicy Cauliflower Wings
Because it'll be easier than the Vedge cauliflower recipe I had planned on doing (I'll do that one next week -- the email from the farm said we're getting cauliflower again on Friday).  Plus I've made this before when I had a cold or the flu or something and needed spiciness and it was really good.  Again, served with ranch.  It's entirely possible I'll be the only one eating these on account of spiciness.

Roasted Potatoes
Because I don't want to make potato salad and I'll be using the oven anyway for the cauliflower.

Corn on the Cob
Simran insists on butter, but I like it with just a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice.

Sauteed Fennel with Garlic 
This isn't a summer cookout food.  I'm not even sure I'll end up making it as it calls for 400% more fennel than I have, and I would need to make my own tomato juice (not sure how that would go).  I just don't know what to do with the single bulb of fennel that keeps showing up in farm boxes.

Zucchini Fritters
Summer squash is infinite.  I used to think I could never have too much because you can sneak it into so many things, but recipes never call for you to sneak multiple large squash into anything.  Fried food tastes good though, so this seems like a way to eat it.

[Edited after dinner:  This is WAY too much food to try to make in one day.  Do not attempt.  I ended up just throwing the fennel in with the potatoes (it burned, but it didn't adversely affect the potatoes) and skipped making the vegan fried chicken altogether.  I'll probably make it tomorrow to eat with the leftovers.]

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