Friday, January 5, 2024

First Meal Plan of 2024

We just got back from a New Year's trip to Austin yesterday. Time for some meal planning. Here is what I've got to use up: avocados, lettuce, broccoli florets, mushrooms, plain cashew yogurt, milk, cream, half-and-half, and eggs. Here is what I'm making:

Pasta Primavera with Soy Curls & Alfredo Sauce

Again. Because I still have half-and-half and cream leftover from the Christmas ice cream. Or maybe I'll make ice cream again if Simran wants it. Maybe strawberry this time.

Sausage/Egg/Cheese Biscuits

I had this planned before our trip but haven't gotten around to making it yet.


It's a good way to use up eggs. And random beans.

Spinach & Feta Pita Bake

Vegetarian Chili and Cornbread

Vegetable Barley Soup and Vegetarian Reubens

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