Monday, February 4, 2013

Indian Potato Sandwiches

Sameer grew up eating these sandwiches.  He introduced me to them in college.  They're tasty, easy, and not that bad for you.  Make sure to set aside plenty of time to bake the potato, and leave the butter out to soften while you do so.

Sliced bread (Sameer would probably say to use white, but I'm not buying white bread for just one meal, so we're using the whole wheat sandwich bread we always keep on hand.)
Cucumber, peeled and sliced
Tomato, sliced
Russet potato, baked, peeled (optional), and sliced
Butter, softened
Cilantro chutney


1. Butter a slice of bread.  Add a layer of warm baked potato slices, a layer of tomato slices, and a layer of cucumber slices.  Apply a thin layer of chutney to a second slice of bread, and close your sandwich.  Serve while still warm.

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