Thursday, February 28, 2013

Toasted Garlic Buns

This is another Esselstyn recipe from Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.  It calls for sprouted grain burger buns from a company called Food for Life, but I don't know where to buy those right now, so I'm just using the whole wheat buns I made yesterday  instead.

4 large elephant garlic cloves, or 2 whole heads garlic
4-6 tablespoons vegetable broth
2 tablespoons chopped parsley or cilantro
(and presumably some buns for toasting)


1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees

2. Cut top off elephant garlic and peel off outside skin. Wrap garlic in parchment paper, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of broth, tightly seal with foil, and roast for 45 minutes. Cool slightly.

3. Mash garlic in a small bowl. Slowly mix in vegetable broth and chopped parsley until mixture has the consistency of softened butter.

4. Spread on toasted buns or whole-grain bread.  Even better, toast whole-grain bread lightly, spread with garlic mixture, and re-toast!

If you are in a hurry, here is another very garlicky option:
1. Using a garlic press, squeeze garlic cloves into a small dish.
2. Add enough vinegar (any variety), lemon, lime, or other fruit juice or vegetable broth to mix garlic into a paste.
3. Spread garlic on a bun and toast under a broiler until tops are nicely browned.

[Edited 3/2/13: You know what was missing on these?  Butter.  I get that this is a healthy, "safe" recipe and that butter is off-limits, but if I had to leave one ingredient out of the typical garlic toast recipe, it would be garlic rather than butter.  These garlic buns weren't bad, but they just weren't good enough to warrant eating.]

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