Monday, December 11, 2017

Meal Planning

Time for weekly meal planning.  I'm being more conscious of meal planning for weekends since I want to avoid restaurant or fast food in the hope it will help me lose weight more easily.  Even homemade junk food dinner ends up being dramatically lower in fat and higher in vegetables than anything I get from outside my house, so it seems like a decent idea.  Here is what I'm making this week:

Tofu & Veggie Stir-fry and Brown Rice
This will use up two small containers of diced tofu and one of green bell pepper from my freezer.  I also have some sliced carrots in the fridge that should still be good and half an onion.  I might not even have to chop anything tonight.

Pasta Salad
I made my pasta salad vegan last time by using Annie's brand vegan Tuscan Italian dressing.  It was more balsamic than I had expected but also a lot tastier.  It's a heavily tomatoey flavor that went well with the rest of the ingredients.  

Vegan Mac 'n Cheese and Vegan Cream of Broccoli Soup
We finished off the last batch of soup last night, so I need to make more.  The mac 'n cheese is a nice cold weather comfort food.

Beefless Stew and Leftover Pasta Salad or Mac 'n Cheese
I need to buy some potatoes to make the vegan mac 'n cheese sauce, so I'm making this stew to use up some of the remaining potatoes.

Pav Bhaji
Using up the rest of the potatoes.

DIY Sandwiches and Leftover Soup/Sides
I will see if I can find pretzel bread for these sandwiches.  We can have Garden Pretzels or black bean burgers, depending on if I've got some burgers pre-made in the freezer.   This will be an easy Saturday night meal.  

Personal Pizzas and Green Salad
Making pizza is a lot more work than ordering it, but it tastes at least as good (pizza isn't very good here), mine is dramatically healthier (less cheese or none on mine, lots of veggies, and whole wheat crust), and we don't end up with tons of leftovers to finish over other days like when we order in.  I already bought a new container of non-fat yogurt for making my next batch of homemade ranch dressing.  This will be our special Friday night dinner.

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