Friday, June 19, 2020

CSA Box #3

CSA Box #3 has arrived!  It contains:  one large cucumber, baby lettuce mix, sunflower microgreens, more Japanese turnips, strawberries, English peas, sugar snap peas, garlic scapes, romaine, a bag of adorable baby summer squash, spinach, and 2 greenhouse (heirloom by the look of them) tomatoes.  Here is what I'm planning to do with it all:

The baby lettuce mix and microgreens will end up in lunchtime salads.  I will probably end up freezing the spinach for use in breakfast smoothies over the next week.  The tomatoes will end up in salads, sandwiches, or eaten plain by Sameer.  I can use the cucumber and romaine to make summer rolls again (maybe Sunday) now that I have a small stockpile of spring roll wrappers.  The strawberries will get eaten plain today and tomorrow.  Here are the recipes: 

Garlic Scape Pesto
I'm going to omit the Parmesan to keep this vegan and use up the garlic scapes this way.  The hummus I made with them last time was good, but I didn't think they added much to it and I want to try something different.  This pesto could end up being a sauce option for a DIY pizza night or I could mix it with some homemade cashew cream and make it into a vegan pesto alfredo sauce for pasta.  I might include a handful or two of the spinach in this pesto, mostly for color and to fill it out.

Penne alla Vodka
I can use at least some of the baby summer squash in this.  It will just be my standard whole wheat penne with the Tofurky Italian sausages and vegetables cooked in the skillet before adding sauce, but I'm going to use the linked sauce recipe to make it vegan.

Japanese Turnips with Miso
This recipe sounded easy and good, and it uses both the turnips and their greens. 

Peas and Carrots with Jamaican Curry (Vedge, pg. 56)
I've been wanting to make this for awhile, and allegedly fresh English peas are the key ingredient.  This dish involves firing up the oven to roast some carrots, so the plan was to make it on one of the days it isn't scheduled to get too hot.  Not sure how this will work out since English peas are allegedly supposed to be eaten as fresh as possible because they start tasting worse immediately and it's 91 degrees here today.  I might just pan cook the carrots and make this tonight and throw it all atop some rice.  Sameer is fasting today, has planned all his meals for tomorrow, and is fasting again Sunday, and I'm not sure how Simran will feel about dinner after getting a stubborn baby tooth pulled at the dentist this afternoon, so I might just end up shelling the peas and eating them plain.

I'm going to try just steaming the sugar snap peas and grinding some black pepper over them.  Or something like that.  Trying to reduce my oil and general processed fat intake since so many recipes call for butter, oil, or mayo.  I also have to figure out which peas are the sugar snap and which are English because I'm pretty sure I have a bag of each.

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