Monday, June 1, 2020

Meal Planning

It's going to be a hot week, so I'm planning on meals that don't require me to heat up the oven.  Here is what I'm making:

DIY Flatbread Pizzas
I'm making these today to use up the whole wheat naan I made last night to go with soy curl tikka masala.  I need to write up the mushroom/shallot blend and green goddess dressing I made last time I tried to do this with normal pizza crust (good flavor from the toppings but wrong texture from the crust, I wanted softer, like naan).  This time I want to include baby arugula too, mostly to fill it out and add texture.  This is a vegan no-oven pizza recipe based on my vague but fond memory of one of the dishes I ate at Vicia in St. Louis.  I used rehydrated black trumpet mushrooms and some frozen wild mushrooms the last first time I made the topping (Vicia used trumpet) and the flavor was good but the texture of the dried mushrooms never got fully back to normal, so this time I'll just use whatever the most interesting mushrooms are that I can find fresh.

Summer Rolls

Pasta Salad

Ravioli with Arugula
To use up the last of the cheese ravioli in the fridge.

Veg Beef & Broccoli
I make this whenever with the Gardein beef tips and broccoli in the freezer.

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