Wednesday, May 24, 2023

More Stuff to Make This Week

Funfetti Cookies

These freeze and thaw incredibly well. Sameer has a potluck at work on Tuesday, and this recipe is the one I'd recommend making for it because it's easy, you don't usually see it at potlucks (unlike brownies and chocolate chip cookies), and it's delicious. I'd make them on a cool weather day this week and freeze them until Monday, then let them thaw till Tuesday, at which point they'll taste like they were just baked (I found some in the back of the freezer once months after I'd made them, and they were still wonderful). It's going to be in the 90's next week, which is why I'd make them in advance.

Baked Potato Skins

The high will be in the 60's tomorrow, so I'm going to use the oven without fear of making the house too hot. I'll be making pav bhaji for dinner, but I will still have leftover russet potatoes, so I'm going to bake however many are left and make them into potato skins for one component of a nice junk food dinner this weekend. I eat the scooped out potato centers with butter and sour cream, which I already have in the fridge. 


Sim has already almost finished the entire batch of granola I made the other day. I think she'll finish it at breakfast tomorrow. I have all the ingredients to make another batch while it's cool out tomorrow, so I'm going to do that.

Foaming Hand Soap

I made another batch today to fill up my various foaming hand soap dispensers in my various bathrooms. I put 1/2 cup avocado oil (I normally use sweet almond, but avocado was the one I had the biggest surplus of today), 1 cup unscented liquid castile soap, 3 cups filtered water, and 25 (too many? we shall see) drops of lemon essential oil and it pretty much filled a large Soft Soap refill bottle. I've been refilling the same Soft Soap refill bottle with my own DIY foaming soap for a few years now. I'm still figuring out how to make scents I like as much as expensive foaming soap, but the quality is just as good.

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