Friday, June 9, 2023

Meal Planning

We're back from Kansas City, so it's time to meal plan and grocery shop. Here is what I still have to use up: four tomatoes that went into the fridge so they wouldn't spoil and therefore will be best in cooked form rather than raw, several russet potatoes, a few mushrooms, a veggie dog, a small amount of leftover pizza dough, some leftover buttermilk and leftover sour cream, and half a gallon of skim milk. Here is what I'm making:

Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup

Friday night dinner. Might make sides of stewed tomatoes and steamed mushrooms from the veg sitting in the fridge. Might make the tomato soup in the InstantPot this time and see how that goes. I don't recall if I've done that before with this recipe, but it seems like it should be easy enough.

Black Bean Quesaritos

Saturday night junk food dinner.

Lasagna and Garlic Knots

Sunday, when it'll be cooler and rainy outside. I'm going to make the leftover pizza dough into a few garlic knots. If I have leftover sourdough from grilled cheese night, I can make garlic bread too.

Spinach & Feta Pita Bake

Breakfast Burrito

Because I still have potatoes.

Veggie Dogs & Corn on the Cob & Green Salad

Easy hot weather meal. If there are any mushrooms leftover from the pita bake, I can steam them and serve them as a side (i.e., microwave them with water and eat them all myself because no one else will).

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