Thursday, June 29, 2023

4th of July Weekend Meal Planning

This is meal planning for Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday (Independence Day Extravaganza with Fireworks), and Tuesday (July 4th holiday). The Canadian wildfires have blown unhealthy air into our area for the past few days, and I'm not sure when it will clear out (meaning no opening the windows or spending time outside), but it's also going to be hot. This could potentially cancel any July 3rd/4th festivities, but it shouldn't change our need for dinners that don't heat up the entire house. Sameer has plans to make a couple of side dishes, including "potatoes fondant" and macaroni and cheese. Here is what we're making:

Black Bean Quesaritos

Because I still have some of the spicy quesadilla sauce leftover in the fridge, and I can make more from the sour cream in the fridge. Probably Saturday because I hate cooking on Saturday and I can prep all the components in advance.

Veggie Dogs and Corn on the Cob and Baked Beans and Various Veggie Sides

4th of July. This could be a dinner we do twice since the veggie dogs are prepared food and the sides are random. Sameer could make his sides either day.

Quesadillas and Vegan Elote with Fresh Guacamole 

Because it's easy and tasty and I can make taco bell style quesadillas from the leftover spicy sour cream sauce. I'm going to buy some veg chik'n strips and tomatoes too to go all out.

Vegan Fried Chicken with ranch dip and Various Veggie Sides

Because I have almost an entire container of cashew yogurt with an expiration date of 7/5, and the ranch dip will take care of some of that. Maybe I'll set aside half of the yogurt to make into Spiced Spinach Tofu Stir-Fry. Any leftover sides from Veggie Dog night or the elote can go with this meal. This is also another opportunity for Sameer to make one of his side dishes.

My goal after the long weekend will be clearing out the fridge and freezer. They are both pretty packed at the moment.

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