Monday, March 30, 2020

Broccoli Sprouts

I finished off the lettuce yesterday, but I'm not due to go to the store again for about a week.  I still have spinach in the fridge for the saag paneer and two bags still mostly full of kale and arugula in the freezer for green shake, but I could do with some more sandwich and salad greens, so I'm currently growing broccoli sprouts.  I bought a bag of broccoli seeds from Amazon for like $20 months ago because nowhere in my town carries reliably fresh sprouts and I don't like driving to a town with a Whole Foods every time I want some.  Three tablespoons of seeds creates a massive amount of sprouts (like $20+ worth of sprouts at Whole Foods), which then keep in the fridge for a few days.  I started sprouting mine over the weekend, and they look like they'll be ready in two or three more days.  I'm planning to put them on the tofuna salad sandwiches.  They're also good on wraps and veggie tacos, but I don't have the fresh ingredients necessary for my favorite ones, so I'll just put them in place of lettuce on whatever sandwiches or eat them as a base for a salad.  I could also probably sneak small amounts into green shake.

Reminder to self:  There are at least three varieties of dried seaweed in the pantry that can be made into soup or ...something. 

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