Monday, May 27, 2024

Meal Planning

Two weeks have passed since my connective tissue graft surgery. Everything went well, and now I can eat normally again. Here is what I'm making (I might be going overboard with the planning, but as long as I only buy enough ingredients for the first couple nights, it's fine):

Vegan Fish Tacos with Red Cabbage Slaw and Black Beans and Elote

I want to eat all this tonight. I got some small heirloom black beans from my latest Rancho Gordo Bean box, so I'm using those.

Fresh Veggie Tacos with Fresh Guacamole and Leftover Sides

Any leftover red cabbage slaw, black beans, or elote can go with this.

Black Bean Burgers and Greek Salad

Shakshuka and Leftover Greek Salad

If I have mushrooms leftover from the veggie tacos and eggs still in the fridge. 

Falafel (plus Red Sauce)

Because it's a nice sandwich but also requires heating up the oven, and it's not supposed to be particularly hot this week.

Vegan Seafood Salad

If I have leftover pita pockets from the falafel.

California Wrap

Because it calls for the same sauce as the falafel.

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